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Walter Gardner Myers


Service No. 4825

Age 34

Died on 8 October 1916

Royal Engineers


County Antrim, United Kingdom

Husband of Annie Myers, of 171, York Rd., Belfast.



Bill Leith

Wounded at the Battle of the Somme in July 1916, died of those wounds August 08 1916. survived by his wife Anne and 2 children.

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Bill Leith

His Great Grandson remembers; he is my Hero.. With great courage he walked into history that day from the battlefield into Gods arms

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Bill Leith

His Great Grandson remembers; he is my Hero.. With great courage he walked into history that day from the battlefield into Gods arms

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I was told a day of mourning was declared on the day of his funeral in Belfast Northern Ireland, people stood in the streets as his body was...

Bill Leith

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