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Frederick Luther Hancock


Service No. 12797

Age Unknown

Died on 13 October 1915

Norfolk Regiment


Pas de Calais, France



Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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Legion Supporter

With comrades you fought and died, at home mothers and wives cried and cried. Thank you to all who suffered. RIP brave young men.

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